Prof Ed Nice

Ed Nice is currently a Professor at Monash University where he is Head of Clinical Biomarker Discovery and Validation (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) and scientific advisor to the Monash Antibody Technologies Facility for which he was director from 2009 - 2013. He is also a Visiting Professorship at Sichuan University/West China Hospital. His long-term research interests have been in protein and peptide micropurification, biomarker discovery and validation, SPR analysis, high throughput monoclonal antibody production and validation, and clinical biomarker assay development, with a strong translational focus on colorectal cancer, especially the field of faecal proteomics for colorectal cancer detection and surveillance. He is actively involved in the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO), was co-chair and treasurer of the successful HUPO 2010 meeting in Sydney, and is currently co-chair of the Pathology Pillar, co-chair of the Human Cancer Proteome Project and leader of the HUPO ANZ Chromosome 7 initiative